مؤسسة قباني بلاست

Established in 1972, kabbani Plast is a privately owned company. The Company is a leading producer of printed Polypropylene (PP) bags , Polyethylene (PE) bags, Plastic packaging and Agricultural Greenhouse film. From the start, The company used advance manufacturing systems, combining our in-depth experience with a scientific approach. All our raw materials are health certified and meet ISO 9001-9002 standards and specifications. Design We are ready to assist you in the design aspects of your bag. Our computerized system is fully integrated with our printing facilities. History Kabbani Plast was established in 1972: 1987 First phase of major expansion and diversification 1994 Starting international distribution. 1996 We developed new product lines. 1998 Winner of the 10Th. Golden America Award for Quality Exports In the early 1990s, we established export markets in neighboring countries like Egypt, AU, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq. and foreign countries like the UK, USA Germany France and Russia. Currently we are exporting 70% of our production. This an important focus for us. Future Plans The future for Kabbani Plast is bright, based on our market position, customer relationships and product mix, We will continue in our progress by maintaining and expanding our facilities enabling us to produce new products. ISO certification is a near future goals.


الشركة مؤسسة قباني بلاست
الهاتف انقر لعرض المعلومات
فاكس انقر لعرض المعلومات
الموقع الإلكتروني www.kabbani-plast.com
الصناعة صناعة المنتجات البلاستيكية والمطاطية
الدولة سورية
المدينة دمشق
العنوان غير متوفر
حساب سكايب انقر لعرض المعلومات
الزيارات 3381


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