الكربونات الاردنية

كربونات الكالسيوم Jordan Carbonate Company (JCC) is a privately owned company, situated in Amman, established in 1979 by the late Mr. Abdul Karim Hatahet, one of Jordan`s most prominent industrialest, over the years JCC was transformed into a national industry that exploit local raw material, in addition it provides employment opportunities to the local man-power, minimizes import and bring in foreign currency to the country. Its activity is in the mining, manufacturing and exporting the all-important material of Calcium Carbonate with highest standards of quality, purity and prompt deliveries. Q U A R R Y Situated at the outskirts of Amman, equipped with modern heavy machinery, its annual production capacity is 500000 MT, our deposits of pure Calcium Carbonate is estimated within 5 million MT which secures supply of raw material at least for the next 50 years. Furthermore, with the help of our Geologists we have obtained the best locations in which we have invested in for our future expansion plans P L A N T S Through the continuous introduction of the latest state of the art machinery, our factories have gradually increased their production from 10000 MT in 1980 to 250000 MT by the end of 2004. Production is classified into two major categories namely treated & Natural Calcium Carbonate with different finenesses ranging from 5 micron top cut to 300 micron, produced under the strict quality control procedures.


الشركة الكربونات الاردنية
الهاتف انقر لعرض المعلومات
فاكس انقر لعرض المعلومات
الموقع الإلكتروني www.jordancarbonate.com
الصناعة صناعة المواد المنجمية غير المعدنية الأخرى
الدولة الأردن
المدينة عمان
العنوان غير متوفر
حساب سكايب انقر لعرض المعلومات
الزيارات 3535


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