اثمار للتزويد

بندورة مقشرة رب البندوره صلصات وكاتش اب مربى Ithmar's story.... Since 1983 Ithmar’s mission is to be the prime choice for customers, delivering outstanding qualities of food products, along with a great service at a competitive cost through working simpler, faster and with excellence. Ithmar has been a progressive manufacturer and supplier of superior quality and consumers' products for almost 30 years. The Main core of our business is to serve a niche product in a niche market for a niche consumer. The company is now a market leader in processing and importing a number of diverse products, ranging from consumers' products to pet food supplies. FMCG consumers' products range includes tomato paste, honey, chicken stock, and natural food; in addition to a wide range of various products. Our superior quality, competitive prices, dedicated and personalized services combined with many years of experience guarantee that our customers are getting the highest quality available. We constantly work hard to satisfy our customers' needs and we are always willing to work with them on a personal level to meet any special requirements they need. This includes all the above services but is not limited to our private labeling service. The company takes pride in being a market leader in unique FMCG products. Our key focus is to provide reliable quality services, premium products, competitive prices within the FMCG sector. Customers' relationship management (CRM) is the core of our business that we strive for. Our Promise We promise to strive, produce, develop and deliver nature’s finest ingredients, focusing on purity, competiveness and customers' satisfaction. Our Values Ithmar remains committed to its proud heritage, devoted to its employees, vendors and customers. Today as ever our strategy is geared towards our customers’ wants and needs. Our People We refer to our working force as “The Ithmar family”. We have an outstanding working ethics and take a great pride in everyone at our organisation. Our Products At Ithmar, our products exceed the highest quality standards, health issues and flavour in addition to crucial environmental concerns and social responsibilities Our Customer Our philosophy of “The Circle of Excellence” simply put, satisfying our customers is the reason we are all employed. Beyond expectation Almost more than three decades, our sustainable productivity, supported by Ithmar’s dedicated staff, surrounded by loyal satisfied customers have made the company’s name synonymous with being one of the top FMCG suppliers in the region.


الشركة اثمار للتزويد
الهاتف انقر لعرض المعلومات
فاكس انقر لعرض المعلومات
الموقع الإلكتروني www.ithmar.net
الصناعة صناعات غذائية أخرى
الدولة الأردن
المدينة عمان
العنوان غير متوفر
حساب سكايب انقر لعرض المعلومات
الزيارات 3458


  • رب_بندورة 2
  • أغذية 1


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