(شركة منتجات البلاستيك السعودية (سابكو

منتجات البلاستيك We are pleased to introduce ourselves as, SAPPCO, Plastic Products Co. Ltd. The factory, located in Riyadh, produces a complete range of uPVC Pipes, Fabricated Fittings in a variety of sizes ranging from 16-710(outer dia), for applicational areas including water supply projects, irrigation systems, sewage networks, Sub-Surface water drain system, electrical and telecommunication duct networks according to the requirement of stringent National & International standard SAS, ISO, DIN, ASTM, BS etc. and uPVC casing & screen for water wells according to DIN 4925. Moreover, SAPPCO is producing various types of hard & soft granules for injection moulding products. During the past 30 years of continuous operation and progressive growth, to satisfy market demands, SAPPCO has become the largest manufacturer in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East for uPVC Pipes & Fab. Fittings. The Company has a reputation established Internationally for products of highest quality which have been especially developed to suit unique & harsh environment of Saudi Arabia, Middle East & Africa. SAPPCO Products have been tested in independent Laboratories in Europe and carry certification from International Laboratories & has the honour of obtaining ISO 9002. The reliability and quality of SAPPCO Products has had a significant impact on the Social Developments in Saudi Arabia, this being exhibited by the modern and efficient water distribution system and sewage networks already developed throughout the country. The extensive and reliable telecommunication and electrical systems which are now operational in all areas of Saudi Arabia. The self-sufficiency in farming and Dairy Products, which has been made possible only by the installation of reliable and efficient Irrigation Networks to make the desert sands bloom and florish despite the harsh climate of Saudi Arabia, unchanged for centuries. SAPPCO is also operating in model Thermal Insulation products Plants under the Trade name of SAPTEX. SAPTEX is producing high quality Polystyrene, Polyurethane & Polyisothyanorate Thermal Insulation Products for the building, commercial, industrial, & various other projects. SAPPCO also has a controlling interest in Aplaco (Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Co. Ltd) for the production of PVC Pipe Fittings which are fully compatible to pipes produce by SAPPCO. SAPPCO is also established its SAPPCO Dammam factory located in Dammam for producing uPVC, cPVC and PE. SAPPCO with its 30 years accumulated technical knowledge & know-how, its production capacity as one of the biggest PVC Pipe manufacturer Worldwide, is eligible to handle big contracts meeting with the full satisfaction of the client/ purchaser. Once dealing with SAPPCO, you will find it second to one and indispensable. Adding that SAPPCO’s aim is to manufacturer and supply highest quality products consistent with customer satisfaction/requirements and applicable standards, work for continuous improvement in every functional area and gaining customer confidence in its products through services offered before, during and after sales and participation in the national economy development. It is noteworthy to mention that during the last 10 years SAPPCO has become the largest exporter of uPVC confidence in its products through services offered before, during and after sales and participation in the national economy development. It is noteworthy to mention that during the alst 10 years SAPPCO has become the largest exporter of uPVC Products to the following countries— UAE, IRAQ, KUWAIT, YEMEN, SUDAN, JORDAN, SYRIA, LEBANON, OMAN, GHANA, EGYPT ETC. Therefore, we would be obliged to cooperate with you and meet your requirements.


الشركة (شركة منتجات البلاستيك السعودية (سابكو
الهاتف انقر لعرض المعلومات
فاكس انقر لعرض المعلومات
الموقع الإلكتروني www.sappco.com.sa
الصناعة صناعة المنتجات البلاستيكية والمطاطية
الدولة السعودية
المدينة الرياض
العنوان غير متوفر
حساب سكايب انقر لعرض المعلومات
الزيارات 5464


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  • حبيبات_بلاستيك 1


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