INTERSHOE, International Shoemakers

INTERSHOE is a manufacturer of Men shoes of all kinds. The company is owned by Donikian family and founded by Haroutioun Donikian in 1977. His sons inherited from their father his taste, his enthusiasm and his love for shoes, and have dedicated themselves to the footwear industry. INTERSHOE's production facility and headquarters are located in Beirut, Lebanon.

In a world moving so fast, our team has mastered the development and production process over years, and holds the interest of its audience by developing its products with a focus on quality and design, with great care of all details, using luxurious leather from around the world. Our shoe is ideal for the fashionable man who understands the language of luxury, with perfect balance between tradition and innovation. Refined styling, Comfort, Design & Craftsmanship are the main goals that the company has been commiting to over more than 35 years, therefore our styles have attracted an intensely loyal following. Currently, the factory is fully equipped with new technological machinery in order to keep up with the latest trends and styles.

With a strategy to expanding internationally, the company established its first presence in the world's leading footwear exhibition 'theMICAM' in 2009 in Milan, Italy. Hence the company's international expansion began.


الشركة INTERSHOE, International Shoemakers
المسؤول Haroutioun Donikian
الهاتف انقر لعرض المعلومات
فاكس انقر لعرض المعلومات
الموقع الإلكتروني
الصناعة صناعة الأحذية
الدولة لبنان
المدينة بيروت
العنوان Industrial City Bauchrieh
حساب سكايب انقر لعرض المعلومات
الزيارات 3853


  • أحذية 2
  • shoe 0
  • shoe manufacture 0
  • fashion 0
  • footwear 0
  • shoemaking 0
  • sneakers 0
  • classicshoes 0
  • moccasin 0
  • loafers 0


  • لا يوجد معلومات