Arabian Tile Co. Ltd - ARTIC الشركة العربية للبلاط المحدودة

Arabian Tile Co. Ltd - ARTIC is one of the leading concrete products Manufacturers in the Middle East with more than 40 years of experience. Four state-of-the-art facilities throughout Saudi Arabia combine modern production processes, rigorous quality standards, and more than 700 skilled employee to produce wide range of concrete products. ARTIC have an outstanding team of sales professionals staff dozens of showrooms in Saudi Arabia and work within a strong wholesale distribution network that covering the kingdom and all over GCC.

Product ranges are :

•           Pavers, Interlocks, Curbstones , Terrazzo Tiles, Cement Tiles, Planter Boxes, Trash Boxes, Tables and Chairs, Light Poles, Panels, Bollards,

•           Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC),

•           Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG),

•           Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP)  ,

•           Ultra-High performance concrete (UHPC)

•           Grinding and Polishing Stones (GPS)


الشركة Arabian Tile Co. Ltd - ARTIC الشركة العربية للبلاط المحدودة
المسؤول Aggad Investment Company
الهاتف انقر لعرض المعلومات
فاكس انقر لعرض المعلومات
الموقع الإلكتروني
الصناعة صناعة المواد المنجمية غير المعدنية الأخرى
الدولة السعودية
المدينة الرياض
العنوان ARTIC Tower, Eastern Ring Rd. Between Exit 12 and 13, Opposite Ministry of water and agriculture, Ar Rawdah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
حساب سكايب انقر لعرض المعلومات
الزيارات 4040


  • tiles 1
  • concrete products 1
  • cladding 0
  • interlock 0
  • outdoor furniture 0
  • preecast outdoor furnitures 0
  • special products 0
  • glass fiber reinforced concrete 0
  • UHPC 0
  • GFRC 0


  • لا يوجد معلومات