شركة تكنو

In 20 years existence, Impact Technologies has become the premier French assembler of thin client solutions, with more than 75,000 units installed. Choosing Impact Technologies means benefiting from: - constant monitoring of technological development and R&D and continuous attentiveness to company needs to design innovative, sturdy and upgradable solutions, - advanced expertise as regards the optimisation and customisation of operating systems for Windows CE, Windows XPE and Linux thin clients, facilitating the creation of fully specific hardware and software configurations, even in small volumes, - a services approach: support early on in the project, telephone support, assistance, after-sales service, specific adaptations or developments, etc. It also means choosing independence. Thanks to Itium Admin Services (IAS), a centralised administration solution, administrators can manage everything remotely: user parameter configuration, scheduled updates of applications or the operating kernel and the replacement of one application by another. With the Itium range, it is the thin client which adapts to the company's requirements, not the other way round!


Company Name شركة تكنو
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Website www.itechno.com
Industry Other manufacturing
Country Syria
City Damascus
Address Not Available
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Views 2935


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