كريستال لانظمة التغليف

اكياس بولىايثيلين شرائح من المطاط رولات بلاستيكية مصنوعةمن البولي ايثلين ادوات منزلية بلاستيكيه Crystal for Packing Systems is one of Hatem Al-Taweel&Sons Group Companies, was established in 2006 as specialized company for the production of food stuff polystyrene packaging to fulfill the local and regional market needs. CPS has adopted health, hygienic, environmental, local and international standards complying with all requirements and obligations related to the production facilities from all aspects. CPS top management has instructed and intensively monitored its staff to comply with the planned policies of high quality products, customer satisfaction and continues development &innovation of the company line of product. Due to the well planned policies we were able to expand our production capacity to double within 18 months and introduce new packaging solution with remarkable designs and advanced ideas to our customers, allowing us to lead the market and gaining our customer's credibility & reliability


Company Name كريستال لانظمة التغليف
Company Owner
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Website www.crystal-pack.com
Industry Manufacture of rubber and plastics products
Country Jordan
City Amman
Address Not Available
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