احمد محمد عبدالله ابودبور واخوانه

كنافه وحلويات شرقيه مشكله فطائر ومعجنات وجاتوهات الشوكولاته This company was established since 15 years as specialized in food staff industry. Since that time the company had invest to produce a high quality line of products of muffen & cake. (Dawaimeh Sweet) become a brand leader in the region through producing a wide range of muffien & cake which satisfy here customer's needs with affordable prices. Actually, our success story was as a result of huge investment in machines, technology and human power; by create an extensive program to train our staff and update our self through the latest technology of this industry by our experts.


Company Name احمد محمد عبدالله ابودبور واخوانه
Company Owner
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Website www.dabour.com.jo
Industry Manufacture of other food products
Country Jordan
City Amman
Address Not Available
Skype Click to show details
Views 3539


  • معمول_عجوة 2
  • حلويات 1


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