غوميكو - مؤسسة غلام للصناعة والتجارة

Gholam for Industry and Commerce - Gomeco was established in 1977 is specialized in maintenance and fabrication of different mechanical equipment in many Lebanese companies such as cement factories, power plants, pulp and paper manufacturing, steel tube fabrication, food industries, bitumen fabrication and many other factories. We also provide consultancy, studies, designs, implementation, and commissioning of new systems to our customers.


Company Name غوميكو - مؤسسة غلام للصناعة والتجارة
Company Owner جوزيف الغلام
Phone Click to show details
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Website www.gomecoindustry.com
Industry Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
Country Lebanon
City Amioun
Address لبنان الشمالي - قضاء الكورة - انفه - المنطقة الصناعية - شارع قراقيرز
Skype Click to show details
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