The Saudi modern packaging Co Ltd “PRINTOPACK” is a renowned company of Saudi Arabia in the field of packaging industry, it is dealing in flexible packaging of different product, it has a wide range of the product with a broad view of understanding the need of the customer and the changing scenario of the world in packaging field, it has its own trained staff in the field of management, technical staff and highly skilled workers, the setup of the organization is good enough to record the day to day activities of the workers.The Printopackhas a professional approach for production and Management in a very systematic way, its all the work is done step by step to achieve the optimal productivity from the utilization of the manpower and the machine for achieving the same goal of maximum achievement of the target of production we have a professional team of experts in different field of marketing, production and other technical people to handle the affairs more technically and scientifically to reach towards the goal.
Company Name | مصنع شركة التغليف السعودية الحديثة (Saudi Modern Packaging Factory Co. Ltd) |
Company Owner | ابراهيم فطاني |
Phone | Click to show details |
Fax | Click to show details |
Website | |
Industry | Manufacture of rubber and plastics products |
Country | Saudi Arabia |
City | Jeddah |
Address | جدة- المدينة الصناعية1/المرحلة الخامسة - ص.ب 19596 |
Skype | Click to show details |
Views | 2246 |